Reading and Writing

During the Winter Camp of 2024 at Shengang Junior High School, students engaged in an enriching Chinese reading and writing skills workshop. Led by skilled instructors, the workshop aimed to enhance the students' language proficiency through a series of interactive activities. This hands-on learning experience became a valuable component of the winter camp, empowering students with practical language skills and fostering a love for Chinese literature.

在伸港國中2024年冬令營期間,學生們參加了創意閱讀寫作營。 營隊由經驗豐富的聯合報講師帶領,旨在透過一系列互動活動來提高學生的閱讀和寫作能力。 這種學習經驗成為冬令營的寶貴組成部分,增強了學生的閱讀和寫作技能,培養了學生對文學的熱愛。

Form words using the letters provided, ensuring that each word includes the central letter. Good luck!