Dance Workshop

Shengang Junior High School hosted an exciting dancing workshop as part of Winter Camp 2024. This lively activity aimed to blend physical expression with cognitive development, fostering creativity and teamwork in a fun and supportive environment. The workshop added a vibrant and dynamic dimension to the camp, offering students a memorable and holistic learning experience.

2024 年冬令營,伸港國中舉辦了一場激動人心的舞蹈營隊。 這項生動活潑的活動旨在將身體表達與認知發展相結合,在有趣和支持性的環境中培養創造力和團隊合作精神。 研討會為營隊增添了活力和活力,為學生提供了難忘的整體學習體驗。

Dance is the art of moving the body in a rhythmic manner to music, where the movements express emotions, stories, or simply the joy of movement itself. Music is the accompanying sound that sets the rhythm for dance, creating the auditory backdrop that guides the dancer's movements. A move in dance refers to any change in position or posture, contributing to the overall choreography. 

Steps, on the other hand, involve placing the foot in a specific position during a dance, forming the building blocks of various dance routines. Rhythm is the pattern of beats in music, serving as the heartbeat of a dance, influencing the timing and flow of movements. Together, these elements create a harmonious and expressive form of art that captivates both the eyes and ears.